
Technology Information 和 Support for 父母

Community Tech Support Portal Information

Community Tech Support Portal Information

The Community Tech Support Portal offers self-service options to allow users to help themselves by searching a knowledge base in both 英语 和 西班牙语.

Community Tech Support Portal

Community Tech Support Information

ParentVue 和 My威尼斯官网在线 Classroom

ParentVUE 和 My威尼斯官网在线 Classroom

Synergy ParentVUE is the Parent Portal that serves as the primary home-to-school communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding 成绩, 出席, 调度, access into my威尼斯官网在线 Classroom, 和更多的.


2024 parentue更新


Community Tech Support Information

Access the Tech Support Portal

What is the Community Tech Support Portal?

  • Contact Technology Support to report a problem
  • Find knowledge articles about using 和 solving technology problems, including:
    • Activating ParentVUE, Chromebook questions, My威尼斯官网在线 Classroom, 和 Zoom

Is there a video briefly explaining the Community Tech Support Portal?

是的, 点击这里观看视频

Is there a guide on how to use the Community Tech Support Portal?

指南 英语西班牙语



ParentVUE is the parent portal to 威尼斯官网在线's Synergy Student Information System that is available in the 威尼斯官网在线 supported languages on the web or mobile device. It is a secure way to access information about 出席, 类, 成绩, 报告卡, 网上入学, 体育注册, 协同邮件, a link to the My威尼斯官网在线Classroom digital learning platform, 还有更多.


How do I activate my ParentVUE account?

Why do I need a ParentVUE account?

  • ParentVUE is the primary communication tool for 威尼斯官网在线 teachers 和 staff to communicate with parents about school 和 student information
  • It provides up to date information 和 announcements
  • ParentVUE is available in the 威尼斯官网在线 supported languages

Do I need separate ParentVUE accounts for each of my children?

No, you will only need one account to access information for all your children

What if I do not see all my children in one account?

使用此链接提交 ParentVUE – Account Activated but Missing 学生 谷歌表单,或者联系方式 communitytechsupport@mcpsmd.org for support on merging accounts

How do I see ParentVUE in different languages?

In the bottom corner of the website or app look for a drop-down menu of different languages. 选择你想要的语言

What is the difference between ParentVUE 和 My威尼斯官网在线Classroom?

  • ParentVUE displays information about 出席, 课程表, 成绩, 报告卡, 日历, 学校的信息, 和 other information that is stored in the Synergy Student Information System
  • My威尼斯官网在线Classroom is the learning management system or digital learning platform. 父母 may use an "observer" account where they can view instructional information 和 resources. 点击 here for more information.

How do I change my ParentVUE password?

在 parentue登录界面, 点击, 忘记了密码, you will received an email on the email linked with your ParentVUE with a link to change your password. 请联系 communitytechsupport@mcpsmd.org for support if you don’t receive the email.

How do I change my ParentVUE password?

How do I register my child for Middle 学校 or High 学校 体育运动?

  • The ParentVUE online registration portal, available in the 威尼斯官网在线 supported languages, incorporates all required paper forms 和 documents into an internet-based platform that can be accessed using a secure ParentVUE Portal login. 父母/guardians are also able to scan 和 upload their student's physical 和 proof of COVID-19 vaccination, as part of the registration process.
  • Athletic Registration with ParentVUE Online Registration


What is Annual Verification 和 how do I do this in ParentVUE?

在过去, yellow emergency cards 和 a variety of other forms were sent home with students on the first day of school so that families could communicate updates about contact information, 健康, 目录付, 紧急联系人, 和更多的. This process will now take place in ParentVUE using Online Registration.

How do I sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences using ParentVUE?


Where do I find the ParentVUE Support Guide 和 other support guides?


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